Did you know that 41% of marketers don’t make videos because they think it’s too complicated? But with 72% of customers saying they would rather learn about a product or service through video, this marketing tool is not one you can afford to miss out on.

Hiring a video production company is an easy and hassle-free way of creating top-notch marketing videos for your brand. Please take a look at our blog 6 Reasons to Hire a Professional Video Production Company to find out more about the benefits of hiring a team like Fox and Fifth.

We know there are many video production companies out there, and finding the diamonds amongst the sand can be a tricky challenge.

Below are ten questions you can ask to make sure the video production company you chose is a good fit for your company.

1. Do you understand our vision?

This is the most critical question. After you have explained your content needs, hopes and desired outcome, ask the video production company to explain your vision back to you, in their own words – this should signal to you whether they truly understand your unique concept.

2. Are you familiar with our industry?

If your video production company hasn’t worked on a video like yours before, don’t panic! Most video production companies are very versatile and will always work with your vision in mind.

However, they should know about your industry, competitors and your general aims. The team in question should’ve researched your field before meeting with you and offering a proposal; if they haven’t, it will be evident in their responses.

3. What is the estimated timeline?

If you need the video completed by a specific date, make sure to include this in your questions. There is no point in deciding on a video production company then later finding out they do not work with your timeline!

4. Will there be a Scope of Work?

A scope of work is an agreement between two parties that clearly defines the project details and schedule.

This document is handy to have, as it keeps both parties on track and in agreement throughout the process and clearly defines the project plan from the get-go.

5. Who will be working on the project?

This should be covered in the scope of work; however, if it isn’t, make sure to ask as it’s always good to have a direct contact.

6. What is the estimated cost of the video, and how do I pay?

Make sure you have a rough estimate before you begin. Most video production companies understand that cost is important. Make sure to choose a video production company that complies with your budget; however, before making your decision, make sure to weigh up the ROI factor.

7. How many rounds of amends will I get?

Before committing to a company, make sure you know how many rounds of amendments you will get. This is important as it ensures you will be comfortable with the result.

8. Do you have any testimonials?

Often company’s list their testimonials on their website. If not, ask if they have any before meeting with them to learn more about their commitment, experience, and overall professionalism.

If you are  interested in using  video  to  boost your engagement online,  please contact us at hello@foxfifth.com.