Summer is approaching! Unfortunately, a spot on the busy beach isn’t all you will be fighting for this year. With over 81% of businesses currently using video as a marketing tool, the online marketing arena will be tough competition this year.

So how can you make yours stand out from the crowd? A website is 53 times more likely to reach the front page of Google if it includes video, so it’s time to heat up your summer ad campaign and come out on top.

Check out our top tips below.

Tip 1 – Be Visual and Stay Summery

Did you know that on Facebook, 85% of consumers watch video without sound?! If your video is all talk and no action, you’re excluding a large audience.

Summer is the perfect time to incorporate bold and bright visuals into your video campaign. Think about what makes people love summer so much; sunshine, seaside, ice cream, holidays, BBQs, friends, family, and more! A great way to connect with your audience is by finding things they love and incorporating them into your campaign. This is what makes summer such a fun and fantastic month for marketing.

This brand video created by Fox and Fifth for the Somerset Cider Brandy Co is an excellent example of a summer theme. The sunny countryside setting and bold, colourful views make the brand feel warm and exciting, like summer!

Check out this blog, The Biggest Colour Trends in 2021 by graphic design website Canva, to create a summer colour palette that suits your brand.

Tip 2 – Make it Mobile

The sun is out, and so are your customers!

During the summer months, people spend far less time indoors and therefore far less time on their laptop or computer, but this doesn’t mean they’re not watching.

The average UK person spends 3 hours 23 minutes per day on their phone, and the top 20% of smartphone users spend more than 4.5 hours on their phones during the week.

Making sure your video is mobile optimized has never been more important! Mobile video consumption rises by 100% every year, so why not check out this guide, 5 Ways to Optimize Videos for Mobile, and prepare yourself for this growing trend.

Tip 3- Get Social

Social media is all the rage! Instagram now has 1 billion users, coming in only second to Facebook, which boasts a whopping 2.8 million!

Keeping active on social media throughout the summer months is imperative to ensure your video content is easily accessed and shareable.

Tip 4 – Get Involved

Summer is a great time of year where communities come together and socialise through events and local gatherings. Show your support to the community by attending or supporting local events and incorporating them into videos.

Getting involved in events is a great way to create a buzz around your brand while connecting directly with your audience. Showing you care about the people who invest in your product or service is a great way to add a touch of personality and warmth to your company.