Are you struggling to communicate with your team?

With 49% of British Businesses now working from home, the need for strong internal communication has never been more essential.

Employers aim to deliver information to their workforce that  is:

1. Understood
2. Retained
3. Applied

Yet, according to The Harvard Business review, only 40% of employees actually know what their organization’s strategic goals are! If your employees don’t understand the content you provide, your information becomes worthless.

The  answer?

Simple, comprehensible and easily digestible content.

With over 500 hours of video up loaded to YouTube every minute, the nation’s use of video for both enjoyment and  learning is at an all time  high.

So how can using video as an internal communication tool help your business? Stop overloading your workforce with pages of complex, overlooked content and take a look at these 5 ways video can simplify information for your workforce

1. Reduce Reading Load

Did you know that each day, the average office worker receives a whopping 121 emails (as of 2015)?! The risk of your information being skimmed or even worse ignored, is staggeringly high.

With written information being thrown at your team from every angle, the reading load is overwhelming and the content hard to retain. According to Dr. James McQuivey’s study, a simple 2 minute video is “worth 1.8 million words”. Basically, it communicates in a few seconds what may have taken minutes to read or write.

Videos using images, simple text and voice overs to communicate your information is both effective and less daunting than a long document. Your employees can easily set aside time to invest in your video message whilst reducing their daily reading demand.

2. Visualising  a Narrative

Words and images really are best friends. A video can help portray your message in a simple yet stimulating way. With 65% of the population being visual learners – a video is the most successful way to target the majority of your workforce.

By lifting your information from cold words on a page into a visual representation, your content becomes easily digestible and easier to envisage in “real  life” scenarios.

3. Dividing  Topics

Video allows you to break up complex information into simple, understandable chunks. The pairing of words and images allows you to “remove clutter” from your information and stick to the core values of your message.

Break up your information with sub-topics, subheadings and short paragraphs that are easy on the eye. Colour coordination and related visual content for each topic provides a perfect visual stimuli to increase understanding and retention of complex information.

4. Entertaining & Engaging

Primarily, video was created as a source of entertainment. It’s no secret that people are more invested in content that sparks  their interest.

By presenting your information in a fun and visually inspiring video, your viewers are 95% more likely to understand and retain the message given compared to 10% when reading it via text.

5. Re-Watchable

Long meetings or presentations can become overbearing and patches of information are easily missed. Emails and documents are time-consuming to re-read and hard to navigate to specific sections.

Videos are easy to re-watch and fast forward. This is particularly useful for slower learners as the information is easily accessible. Allow your workforce to retain the information by giving them an easy way to learn and absorb the content at their own pace.