It’s almost time  for LGBTQ+ history month! A chance to learn about the history of the LGBTQ+ community whilst understanding the changes, still necessary, to reach equality and global acceptance.

The month was founded in 1994 by Rodney Wilson, a high school history teacher to “increase the visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (“LGBT+”) people, their history, lives and their experiences in the curriculum and culture of educational and other institutions, and the wider community”.

This annual event takes place during the month of February. Let’s take a look at how your brand can support this month in a truthful and informative way.

1. Do Your Research

LGBTQ+ History month is an important time for so many. It’s vital you understand the background to the message of support you are going to portray.

An understanding of both the history and current feelings within the LGBTQ+ community will help you to understand the changes that still need to happen. It will help you be more proactive in the support of your LGBTQ+ colleagues and customers and learn more on how you can genuinely help.

2. Be Supportive Not Opportunistic

Be aware this is not a chance for you to showcase your brand. The message should be genuine and show your company’s true support for the movement. It should encourage your LGBTQ colleagues, employees and customers that your company stands by the LGBTQ community, whilst educating your audience about the  importance of the  month.

Brands such as Adidas have been called out for using LGBTQ+ History Month (January) and Pride Month (June) as a marketing tool  for their company, whilst not truly supporting the movement. The “pride pack” section of their website sold rainbow merchandise to honour Pride, but Adidas were also a sponsor for the  2018 wold cup, which took place in Russia; a country with anti-LGBTQ laws.

Actions like this make it seem like brands are keen to use LGBTQ+ awareness as a selfish act of brand promotion. This is sure to hinder rather than  help. Your video should be used to educate and inspire others about the LGBTQ+ community and its history, not promote your products or brand name.

3. Connect With Your LGBTQ+ Community

Reach out to your LGBTQ+ employees and customers!

Check in with them and ask how they feel about your company’s support of the month. Ask them how they feel things could be improved within your company, to ensure they receive the support they need. Find out what is important to them about the month and ask their opinion.

This month will most likely be important to your LGBTQ+ colleagues, and by knowing they have your support, they will feel more at ease within the workplace. They may want to be involved in your brands video – so make sure to ask.

4. Look At Examples

It’s easy to find good examples of supportive LGBTQ+ brand videos. You can take  inspiration from these campaigns and find things that relate to your company’s outlook.

Take a look at Pantene’s Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Beautiful campaign. Here it clearly shows that Pantene is an all-inclusive brand whilst making the video all about supporting the LGTBQ+ community.

Oreo’s #proudparent campaign is enough to bring a tear to your eye. This video is personal and very touching. A great example or how you can inspire a lot with only a little.

5. Plan

Like with all your videos, you should have a concrete plan.

Although this is not a marketing video for your company; the same rules still apply. There must be an intended CTA behind your content, whether that is to learn more, to donate, to show support or anything else in relation to the month.

If you need help creating a plan for your video, check out our blog – “How To Create a Video Marketing Strategy: 5 Steps To Success” or get in touch today!