In order for a company to develop, change is both inevitable and necessary.

As an employer it is vital to inform your employees about the changes your business is making, to ensure a smooth transition from old to new methods.

Why should I communicate change through video?

A video is the perfect way to communicate change within your company:

1. It is clear and precise – you are able to compact all your information into one short and easy to follow sitting.

2. Video is easy to divide into digestible sections.

3. A video is re-watchable – unlike live meetings, videos can be re-visited again and again. This allows employees to learn at their own pace with less pressure.

4. It reduces the reading workload – using video rather than long documents will reduce your employees daily reading

5. The content is visual  – With 65% of the population being visual learners, a video will target the majority  of your workforce.

How do I communicate change through video?

1. Create a clear and honest video
Honesty is the best policy. Make sure you are true to your company culture, brand values and mission when you are creating your video.

Being truthful with your information is vital to achieve your employees’ trust. If you are incorporating change because of a previous error, your workforce will respect you more if you acknowledge your mistake. They will be more inclined to accept and move forward with the change.

It is important to be clear  with your message. Keep the language simple and  the content explanatory but compact. Videos can communicate lots of information in a short space of time, so make sure to keep it short and sweet.

2. Use  sections
Use sections to communicate the different aspects of your new policy. Use different colours or images in these sections to help visual learners. This will help break up your message into digestible chunks.

3. Be  inclusive
If the change will affect certain areas of your workforce in a different way, make sure to include this. Don’t leave out any members of your team as they may feel less inclined to jump on board with your new way of thinking.

If you have a large workforce, it can be beneficial to create a different video for each department. You can then tailor the message for each recipient.

4. Explain how it will benefit your employees.
Don’t forget to explain how they change will benefit your employees. How will it make their working day easier? How will it improve their everyday life? Small incentives will encourage your employees to welcome the  change you are enforcing.