71% of people watch more video than they did a year ago (HubSpot), and 3.96 billion people use social media worldwide (backlinko). Put the two together, and you’re on the way to an enormously successful marketing strategy.

Take a look at how using video in your social media marketing strategy can help your business grow.

1. It increases sales

Did you know that over 62% of people said they were more interested in a product after seeing it in a Facebook Story? (Marketing Land).

The best way to increase your sales is by engaging your audience. If people are excited by your content, they are far more likely to absorb your message and follow your brand.

According to a Microsoft study, the average person has an attention span of around 8 seconds. Video is the most engaging form of content and the best way to excite your audience.

2. It’s what the people want

According to The Marketing Helpline, social media posts with video have 48% more views. Over 1 billion videos are viewed on TikTok every day (MARKINBLOG), and social video gets shared 1200% more than text and images combined (Wordstream).

These impressive stats prove that video is the most popular form of content, especially with Millennials and Generation Zs. If you need to connect with your audience, sell a product or promote your brand image through social media, then using video is the most effective way.

Social Media is all about gaining exposure to, in turn, gain engagement. With video being the highest-ranking form of content for sharing, commenting and liking across all platforms, using it is the best way to achieve your goals.

3. It lasts for longer

Due to its high engagement, a video has a longer shelflife that any other form of content. Because video encourages more interactions and shares, it stays in the digital eye for longer.

Top Tip: You can split your video into shorter sections to make the most out of your content.

4. It’s useful for Seach Engine Optimisation

Video is a great way to boost SEO. As a popular content format, it is regularly searched for and has better chances of ranking higher on google.

Take a look at this helpful blog by wordstream on how to optimise your video for SEO.

5. You can use video across numerous platforms

Many marketers and influencers upload their Tik Tok content to their Instagram reels. What you post on youtube, you can share on Facebook. Many platforms offer instant uploads and crossovers onto other channels, making the job simpler!

This new boost of cross channel video-sharing offers a greater reach and a greater return in investment.

6. It personifies your brand

Video gives your brand a real voice. It lets people get to know your values and become part of your community.

Video is the best way to show your brand’s true colours and lets your online audience get to know the real you.

7. It simplifies your information

If a video says a thousand words, how many does a video say? Well, according to Dr James McQuivey’s, it’s around 1.8 million.

Video can communicate what may have taken minutes to read or write in just a few seconds. Video is an excellent marketing tool as it simplifies information in an engaging and easily digestible format.

If you want to know more about how we can help you maximise your engagement through video, please get in touch with us at hello@foxfifth.com