Nothing can compare to the power of video to engage and delight your customers. One of the most challenging things about starting to add video into your content marketing strategy is coming up with content that your customers will find engaging. This can often seem daunting, but the good news is that there are a few tried and trusted formats that you can start integrating into your content marketing strategy today. Marketers often overlook the wealth of information surrounding them, just waiting to be repacked into engaging and interesting videos.

Below is a list of four formats that can provide valuable content for your videos. You should already have most of the information for these, so if you really want to, you can start filming these today.

1. Product videos

You will be surprised how effective videos explaining the  features of a product can be. Often the  viewer will discover a feature or a use for the  product that  they hadn’t considered before and  wouldn’t  have done if the  touch point had  been in any other format.

Product videos are especially good at converting sales  on e-commerce sites,  so if you run an online shop you should almost instantly  start  seeing those conversion rates climb higher and  higher.

2. Customer support videos

We all have little support issues that pop up from time to time and if you are sensible you would have kept track of them for future reference. Making videos to show you customers how to deal with those issues is a great way to decrease support calls and increase customer satisfaction if they run into any issues. Customer support videos are also a great tool to pre-empt any issues that may crop up. So mining the binder is a great way to get the ball rolling on creating some really helpful video content.

3. Testimonials

Getting a couple of comments from satisfied customers make great content for your social media channels. It lets potential customers know that you have a quality product and has been shown to increase the likelihood of potential customers taking claims more seriously.

4. Brand story

Every business had to start somewhere, so why not launch your video campaign with a video that explores the history of your business and your brand. Tell your customers where you come from and let them become part of your brand story. Following one or more of these formats are great first steps to create video content for your content marketing strategy. If you are interested in exploring this further, please feel free to get in touch with us at