Did you know that 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by way of a video (HubSpot). And what better way to educate or entertain your audience than by interviewing a specialist?

You might not be as witty as Graham Norton, or as experienced as Louis Theroux, but you can certainly lead a successful interview for your brand’s marketing video.

Take a look at how:

1. Get To Know Your Interviewee In Advance

Knowing a little background information on your interviewee is very handy, and will help you begin the interview on the right foot. Whether you are interviewing a client, colleague or industry professional, it is crucial to make sure you know the answers to these questions:

a. What do they do for a living?
b. Why are you interviewing them?
c. What is their connection with your brand/business?
d. What are their hobbies?

2. Find Your Purpose

Before beginning the interview, you should confirm what you want to achieve.

The video’s aim may be to convince, inform, educate, or simply entertain your audience.

No matter how simple, deciding on your intention will help you prepare your questions.

3. Prepare Your Questions

Think about what you need to ask to achieve your aim.

It’s important to start simply, allowing room for development as the interview progresses. It would be best if you also grouped similar questions to encourage a natural flow. Jumping from one topic to the next will produce a fractured interview, confusing your guest and audience.

Open-ended questions are the best style for video marketing. The allow your interviewee to talk freely about a subject. Check out this blog by HubSpot on The Art of Asking Open-Ended Questions – it will help get your creative juices flowing!

Remember – during the  interview things could change, and you may find yourself wanting to ask other questions and moving away from what you have written on the page. That’s ok! Don’t be afraid to go with the flow and follow you interviewees lead. You can always bring them back to the prepared questions later.

4. Start With The Basics

It’s essential to get your interviewee talking as quickly as possible – after all the video should be all about them!

However, a few sentences to start, introducing your guest to your audience will help set everyone on the same page.

For example, you could start  with something like this; “Today we are speaking to the legendary______. She has worked for______ for over 16 years and is here to discuss her passion for______ and how it can help you become______. Thanks for joining us______. Can you tell us a little bit about your time at______?

5. Keep a Comfortable Setting

Ensure you’re in a quiet setting with no distractions or background noise.

Keep your guest comfortable with a glass  of water by their side, adequate legroom and a comfy chair. Make sure to ask if there is anything they need before the interview begins.

The more relaxed your guest is, the better the quality of their answers will be.

This is a great time to ensure you have perfect lighting, sound and composition. For tips on setting up your video, check out our blog page and look at our DIY TIPS.

6. Engage With You Interviewee

Treat your interview like a critical discussion. Your interviewee should feel like a conversation with the spotlight on your guest.

Eye contact and reassurance is essential. Stay engaged with your guest as they answer your questions. You should be active with your responses and offer support if they are struggling.

7. Don’t Stop The Flow

If your interviewee is wavering off-topic, don’t panic! Let them finish their point and  then refer back to your original plan.

If you have asked a question and are not completely satisfied with their answer, try to ask the question differently. Sentence structure and tone of voice are important when asking your questions and adapting it to fit your interviewee’s style could be beneficial.

8. Check You Have Covered Everything

At the end of the interview, double-check with your guest that everything has been covered. They may want to add something extra or expand on a point previously mentioned. If you are interested in using video to let your customers get to know you better, please feel free to get in touch with us at hello@foxfifth.com